Friday 30 March 2007

Work, rest and play

Hello peoples,
The end of the week has arrived and I'm left wondering what I actually acheived this week! Everything and nothing I guess!! Yes, I did work up at Redhill on Tuesday and Wednesday and yes, my dress handled it well and so did I! I wore tights underneath so I wouldn't have to be freaking out all day and tired knots on the sides to keep it from getting in the way and brushing in the dirt. I've now aquired a new tan (alias sunburn!)to take my through the next season and have enough red dirt under my fingernail to plant a garden with!! I love it though, it beats sitting in a stuffy office any day.
All day Tues was spent planting avocado trees. Thankfully it was an overcast day, so heat was not an issue.The boys dug the holes and I, with the help of the boss' little daughter Jackie, planted them in.

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We planted another whole field of avocadoes on Wed morning, had a swim in the pool at lunchtime and then broke our backs over a field of rhubarb for the entire afternoon! We had to walk along under a blazing sun and a coat of sweat, weeding, whipper-snipping and hoeing around and between each bush and row and cutting off the flower heads and pulling off dead stems. At least we could converse together as we were closer to each other, which helps pass the time.

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I just have to show you the good looking "scarecrow" that graced the rhubarb too...

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...not that any respectable creature would wish to gorge on it! I daresay I'll never eat rhubarb again, never loved it anyway really.
Well, that's been my week. I know there are more then just two days in a week, but I can't seem to recall what mischief I caused on the other four (Sabbath isn't included, because I'm always behaved then!). Oh, I did pull out half the feathers from the Feindish Mama's underside in a wild but successful attemt to capture and relocate her to her day pen. For some reason she has the greatest dislike of me lately and attacks me whenever I venture to close. I feel a little like Steve Irwin, everything dislikes me, but I love them anyway!!

Off to satisfy my hunger cravings now...! Do all have a lovely relaxing, enjoyable Sabbath this evening and tomorrow.

Love Nina ;o)

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