Thursday 22 March 2007


Oops, long time no-update! Sorry about the lack of new info and pictures everyone!

Life is going well in my little brown dress! I went to Port Macquarie yesterday and felt rather out of place! The number of people wearing scanty and 'fashionable' clothing seemed to multiply, after being used to practicalness and simplicity!

I scrubbed our orange 44 gallon drum mailbox on Tuesday - it really needed a clean! I must have looked funny standing on the side of the road in my apron, dress, and clogs!
Here is it - and I - when it's just about all clean.

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1 comment:

Nina said...

Oh Bon, that is the nicest pic ever! You look so quaint. I can't wait til we all get together and scrapbook these pics, cause that one is a must!
