Monday 30 April 2007

The suprise!!!

Well, here is the exciting update!!!

We did the presentation of the cheque to Asian Aid on the 28th of April.

The amount we raised in total is: *drumroll*......

(scroll down)....






$1870 !!!! . :-D

Kerryn and everyone else got such a suprise!!!

Here are some photos!:


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Presenting the cheque

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Hugs all round!

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Kerryn talking

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Us three girls would love to say thankyou very much to all our sponsors and supporters! The project couldn't have been a success without you!!!

Tuesday 24 April 2007

Wow, what a journey……

I am so glad that I decided to do it. It's really hard to explain how much it meant to me to undertake a project like that and now that’s it’s finished I’m sooo glad I did take up the challenge. It’s changed my view on many different things (one being my wardrobe – which I now often look at with distaste!!!) and made me realize that we don’t really need all the clothes that we have.

The response we had was just amazing…thankyou soooo much to all of you who offered sponsorship, donations, support and encouragement.

I would have loved to wear it for another 35 days (!!!) but we have a Youth formal dinner at the end of April and I didn’t really fancy wearing it there!!!

As most of you know, our last day wearing our LBD’s was on the first day of the Youdales Hut Family Camp (6th to the 9th of April).

Here is me on the last day of the LBD project....trying (unsuccessfully) to hide from the camera.
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Lol, when everyone knows that you don’t really like photos they seem to take delight in getting as many as they can :)

And just to give you an idea of what our Youth Group normally wears on a camp…….
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No, I’m just joking….Christie and I were actually part of a play about Heaven and we were being the angels – that’s why we’re dressed like that!!!!

This is some of the beautiful country-side that we walked through...well, actually most of it I would have called "mountain-side"....this was a rather flat part compared!!! That's me in the pink shirt (on the day after the LBD project ended)
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On Saturday morning (7th April) it was the first time in 35 days that I had to make a choice about what I was going to wear...and yes, I’ll admit that I took a bit longer than usual to get dressed.

I am slowly getting used to having a larger selection of clothes and although I am enjoying it I would jump at a chance to do something like the LBD project again!!!

God Bless

Love Layla

Sunday 15 April 2007

...The End!

The little brown dress project is officially over! :-( It was with much regret that we took the dresses off for the last time! It has been so rewarding to do something so unusual!

The response to our project has been overwhelming! It is far and beyond our expectations! We are so grateful to all those who have supported us!

Praise goes to the Lord - he has directed us, and has answered our prayers!

The presentation of the cheque to Asian Aid will be on the 28th of this month so we will be posting how that goes, with pics of course! It will be an exciting day!

For a photo update, here is a picture of the three LBD's at the regional meeting in Port Macquarie:

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And a photo collage... :-)

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God bless, till next time!


Thursday 5 April 2007


Well, tomorrow marks the end of the LBD project. I just cant beleive that tomorrow is my last day of wearing my beautiful brown dress, sniff sniff!!! Wow, the time has gone so fast and I'm already contemplating wether or not I should do a "victory run" know, how the athletes do in the Olympics....No I'm just kidding - but I am sad about finishing. Even my brother Yuri is saying that it is going to be really weird seeing me in a different style and colour!!

We are going camping for four days (tomorrow (Friday) to Monday) so we've been busy cooking, cleaning and packing food, clothes, more food, sleeping bags!!!!!

ok, here is a photo of Nins and I cooking for camp tomorrow.

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and here is a photo of me sewing up half of my latest quilt.

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the above photo was last weeks pic and I have now finished the quilt and am wondering what quilt to start next. I have made 6 so far and am planning to make 12 before I get married (like they used to in the pioneer days) so I've got 6 to go!!!

Havent done anything spectacular in my dress this week. I was going to hike up the mountain behind our house but due to the vast amount of grass-ticks I decided to forgo the idea until a later date.

Well, I really must go as it's getting late and I'm headed for an early start tomorrow :-)

Remember: To give ones time is the greatest gift, for time is what life is made of.

Love Layla

Me riding Minstrel in a dress?!

Well, guess what - today I rode Minstrel in my little brown dress!!

Lol, I got up at 6.00am! I love riding in the cool of the morning.

Rode him around in the paddock for a while, just doing some slow walk trot and canter.

The first time I tried to get on the dress got in the way but I got the hang of it after that. It doesn't drape gracefully over the horses' back, sadly :-( but it was still fun! It must have looked funny...

The grass is really long, and was very wet this morning, and Minstrel was really grubby, so I was covered in horse hair, mud, water, and paspalum seeds by the time I'd finished!

I got some pics of course!!

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Tomorrow is the last day!!! :-( Wearing this dress for 35 days has been a very rewarding experience, and I am so glad I took on the challenge! I appreciate the support of family and friends so much - thank you all!

The blog will be open for a number of weeks yet, as there is still the total of the sponsorship funds to be presented to Asian Aid etc...

Tuesday 3 April 2007

A note...

Hello again,

The weekend has come and gone and I do believe it was a successful one! The LBD's attended the Port Regional on Sabbath escorted by four handsome brothers in suits and ties and chauffeur/chaperone Mum. We spoke of our project and duly received donations and many encouraging responses. Pr John Lang even mentioned us three times in Sabbath School, so Mum told us!! Uncle Kim has pics, none of which I have unfortunately.

Now I'm looking forward to camp this coming weekend, although that also marks the end of our journey which I'm not looking forward to! I just piled my bed with clothes to take to camp and realised that I haven't done that for a long time and certainly haven't missed it!! Do I have to go back to sorting out what goes with this skirt and if blue matches with pink roses? Tedious to be sure! This journey has opened my eyes to realise that we must surely waste a large portion of our lives thinking about clothing. Is that what the Lord would have us dwell upon? We need to be aware of this and ask for guidance, so as not to develop clothesitis...

Will make a 'pic post' as soon as I receive some!

Smile, because God loves you. Nins ;o)