Thursday 8 March 2007

Nina's first post...LBD news

Hello everyone,

This is my first post on our little blog and beleive me it's quite scary!! I'm not accustomed to doing these things and attaching pics etc, but there's nothing like teaching an aging dog new tricks!!!

Anyway, it's a rather bleak here in Pappinbarra and I have finally found two minutes to spare. Seriously, I'm still so excited about my 'little brown dress'! I't so comfortable and fairly warm on cool days (and jolly boiling on hot days!). I haven't done anything truely unusual yet, but here is a pic of Lay and I cooking lunch this arvo. Might I add that this is the first time either of us has "cooked" anything for an age, because as 'raw foodies' we only "prepare"!!

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I just love this pic of Bonnie and I at her place on our first day.

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The latest celebration at the Megarrity household was Remo's 12th birthday yesterday (the 7th March). He missed out on a colour theme last year (2006 was the 'Year of the Colours' at the Megarrity's!) , so he wanted to make up this year with an orange and yellow theme. "Great balls of fire" fell from the ceiling and we were enveloped in a warm glow and ate our colourful salad by the light of orangy-yellow candles. We had a most entertaining evening and were so full of exotic salad combinations that we dipped out on my raw pear pie birthday cake! We ate it for breakfast this morning instead, and it was delicious if just a tad watery!

Here's the LBD's and Remo at last night's party...

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Well this has turned out quite an epistle, but I'm feeling rather good about this now!! Anyway, I have some ironing to do, so until next post....

Nina ;o)

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Hehe, nice brown dress Nina! :-P Sounds like you've been busy! Orange and brown look nice together!